Monday, July 13, 2009

Ike's Summer Blog Ep. 103


Sam said...

Liked the drumming the best. Man, I'm wasting my life away watching these. Heh.

Alanna said...

Stop are making me laugh! I loved the changing of the lightbulb...and I see a whole new array of possibilities for the SWSE percussion section! lol!!

Megobuddy said...

I laughed SO hard at the "rut stomp." The music went so well with, um, the dance. What exactly were you guys doing anyway?

Ike said...

Well, during camp it rained.
Everyday. All day long. So when people parked their cars they created ruts, which leaves us with the task of smoothing out the ruts with our feet.
Rut Stomping, in other words.

Melissa Phelps said...

Lol, tally's up to 8.

Have you ever watched Tarzan? Your percussion styles are similar.

Good stuff. Thrilled to be wasting my time on such amusing video blogs.

And laughter is good... it prevents heart problems... or cancer? And stuff.

TKB said...

Good to know...I should hopefully be cured of any possible heart problems or cancer in my future.

Ike, you actually give me reason to honestly use the abbr. lol...but I won't.

Enjoyed it! Can't wait til the end of the month! :D

Issa said...

What can I say? Five and a half min of my life well spent. I wish I could play these at work and cheer up all the sad patients. (But then again it might be a "you had to know him" kind of thing.)
btw my word verification is "crooken". is that even a word?

Sam said...

Dear Isaac,

Well it's been a couple of weeks and no video blog from Isaac. I'll just patiently wait sir.
