Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We came, we saw, we shopped.

Went shopping today in the City (Which, to us means Albany-Schenectady).
Saw Santa.
Seth: "Santa! I know him!"
"Make-A-Memory With Santa!", the sign read. "Deluxe Photo Package, $19.99."
I idly thought about popping up behind Santa's chair and including myself in all the photos. That would certainly give them a memory...
We, the family, ever looking for a bargain, have decided to sneak a camera and tripod of our own into Colonie Center Mall and take our family Christmas portrait in front of the large mall fireplace. Tee-hee.

Favorite story of the day:
Mom asking Dad why there was an extension cord stretched out on the front lawn.
Dad's response?
"Oh, I'm just letting all the electricity drain out so it doesn't freeze when I put it away for the Winter."
You know, it's a wonder I turned out to be so serious minded...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Noted Man Accepts Posthumous Award, is Speechless

The enemy of genius isn't idiocy, it is the average.
The main opposition to genius is often brought from people who are actually quite rational and intelligent, who's semi-knowledge is worse than no knowledge whatsoever. Their preconceived ideas, carefully regurgitated to them by the previous generation, comprise of the totality of their reality. Nothing else is possible, and that, my friends is what makes it so maddening. Any brilliant idea is almost always thought laughable by the status quo.
Just ask all the posthumously-recognized geniuses of the past 500 years...
Indeed, genius probably has more in common with insanity than anything. Where do you draw the line?

I do not know, go ask your Dad.