Tuesday, December 11, 2007


wOW!! i'Ve HaD soMUCH cAFFiNE tHese PAST feW DaYs, It'S
A wOndER iT DoeSn'T ShOW!

But now I'm over the hump, so to say, and from now on finals will be a breeze in comparison.

Carpe Carpio!
(seize the carp!)


Melissa Phelps said...

Hey you, Thanks sooo much for the candy cane! - or the 2 candy canes rather... Have a very holly merry jolly Christmas. ;)

PS. Love the Seize the carp quote. Quite good really

Miss Phelps

Angie said...

There will never be any other place like that of New York during the winter time.... How was your flight home?? And your family singing?? Keep in touch =)

Sam said...

dude, write in your blog! get blimbing...or however you say it. now I know I may sound demanding, but as I being your blogging inspiration and your public relations director, you need to write more, okay buddy? I'll have your manager let you know about the publication inflation rates.

also, I must say that your latest post is usually the most likely to receive a comment, but it is weird how people post comments, some things totally unrelated, some things in response to other comments and some that just make your scratch your head. merry christmas ike!